Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Sunday, May 28, 2006
went out wif joanne and jean last friday which was few days back...we went jj to scout for sandals....actually the main purpose of us going there is to get a pair of sandals for jo as her belated b'day pressie and also for her to wear to acs iu day...but ended up all three of us bought a pair each...ahaha....cudnt resist ler....its called love at first sight! we entered vincci and i spotted something which i really loved so much! i spotted the pink one but jo and jean said tat black is pretty kewl i asked the salesguy to take a pair of each....tried on both....both also very nice! finally made up my mind to get the black but so malang....tat was the last pair and it was kinda distorted didnt get it loh....instead got the pink...its still nice though and im totally in love wif it....edz and mich tried it on yest too and their in love wif it too!! oh,my beloved baby! *melts*....ahahah!! jo tried on the beige one which is the same design as mine...and she bought it too....heheh....then jean spotted a blue sandals....its really nice too...suits her really well...its complicated yet nice! all of us bought the same ngam rite?!! i told jo and jean,"next time i knoe where to pinjam sandals liao"....LOL....we walked out of vincci happily....yipee!
picts of my baby....=X not sure which is better,cuz the lightings are diff....cudnt decide,so im displaying both....heheh...
kiez,enuff of my baby....time to blog bout today....had bah kut teh this morning at pandamaran...hehhe....there were 19 of us and we occupied 4 usual,we are the noisiest and "most happening" practically knoe all the owners of the restaurants we go to ler....its just so kewl,don you think? ahaha....we even had "abalone"s at the bah kut teh place...."abalone"s as in mushrooms....ahahha....they call it "abalone"s just to pls themselves so yeah bare wif it....=P after tat my aunt wanted to go old town kopitiam but everyone were too full so we skipped....then balik rumah loh...after tat had lunch at pandamaran again....had claypot laksa and mi hun kueh and those other usual dishes at restaurants la(vegetables and stuffs like tat)....then me and daddy went to mama's place....there were so darn many cars over there....cuz the skool opposite my mama's hse were having some charity thingy....they even double parked in front of my mama's hse...ish ish! we shall sue them...LOL....went home at bout 4 plus....greatgrandma came over wif my kai ma....chit chatted for a lil while and here i am blogging bout my baby....heheh...
picts while bah kut teh'ing....
tats just so fattening but who cares...=X
have a nice day pple....
Saturday, May 27, 2006
jean and joanne came over my place at bout 8...jean tried on a few skirts while me and joanne were giving her comments...ahahah...left my place to s.i.t at bout 850...
reached s.i.t at bout 910(i think)....then met yip and gang....they escorted us to da hall....saw lotsa pple over there....we were considered kinda casual liao actually compared to some who wore gowns and etc...not to mention,some even wore BOOTS...=X
kiez,this is da part where i got really FRUSTRATED!!! we took our tickets then entered da hall happily...out of a sudden some stupid MR YOGA fella,called us out....not only da three j's but a few other mgs'ians...da fella said tat we were dressed up more for a party than an iu day...i was like wtf this is formal wart (?)(!!)...and according to da ticket,it stated formal or club uniform...we were dressed up as formal wert....and i told him,"this is formal k!!" he answered,"do you knoe wart function is this? its an iu day,youre suppose to be either wearing uniforms or dressed up formally..." dam,felt like kicking him to holland....then one of my fren asked,"what are we suppose to do then?"...blardy yoga said,"im sorry u hafta go out(or somthing la...cant rmb)...." he sorta chased us out...common,we're your guest and youre chasing us? who are you la?!! so suak la,i told my frens,"lets go then!!"..and we just walked out from tat hall...i was boiling at tat moment...walked out angrily and pple were like literally staring at think of it now,i knoe its humilliating & i was really rude! (cudnt help it..was just too emmotional)...ahaha...then,bro asked me why? told him everything and he went and tok to bro was being so polite when speaking wif yoga,but i guess yoga is just a bastard...he raised his voice towards my bro and said,"do not argue(or dunno wart shit la).." then my bro bombed him la...engkai bro asked warts his position and he answered,"NEW GENERATION DIRECTOR".....huh? warts tat? sounds so "tua pai" wan? ahahha....after tat mua bro also tulan edi la...then he spoke to some rotarian after tat....and tat rotarian is so nice...he let us in,saying tat yoga is just over reacting! like obviously...arghh!! so mang wif tat yoga!

see,its stated formal or club uniform..
the function started wif chee kin's band,welcoming the guest....oh yeah,the amcees were really good! they were NOEL&MICHAEL...they had some slide shows after tat then followed by speeches by those we go wif the performances....they had a few bands who performed and they were all pretty good....they even had breakdancing and stuff like tat...i prefer the performances bfore da refreshments though...after da refreshments i find the performances pretty noisy and also partly cuz of those pple who were sitting bhind me....too hyped up!
some pics from da iu day...enjoy! =P

da amcees (NOEL&MICHAEL)

da fashion show

elaine,michelle&samuel....they rock!


soradzi's(not sure wif da spelling) band....

michael's band



to summarize it up,its a great iu day....except for yoga's presence....good job felix!
have a nice day pple
Thursday, May 25, 2006
arghh....if it wasnt for my est 2 i wudnt even go to some soh hai in class nie usual had morning assembly then entered class....sat in class chit chatted all the way till till ntg to chat freaking sien! mae,jo,veni and dal were having accounts2 though....according to them paper was tough! ahahha....pity them...i was looking forward to recess tummy cudnt bare any longer....kept looking at da clock...LOL...saw da next door class students came out from class,so i shouted to pn jamunah tat its RECESS! and she didnt believed....she said recess later the whole class were like "debating" wif her tat its recess...ahahha....i knoe it sounds silly but just cant help it....we're eager to get out of class....=P
ah.....after recess,makan puas puas edi....then back to soh hai'ing in for one and a half hours bfore est2 starts....tak boleh tahan di,so slept till 12....then did est till dismissed rite after tat...stayed back wif mae,veni,dal and mei yi....had lunch at selvaa....'sek pao pao' edi then entered school....sat at wakaf till mae's aunt came...went home after glad....=X
have a nice day pple
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
ahahah so darn happy tat exam is over...err no correction,i shall self declare tat exam is over...just to pls myself...LOL...left est 2 ler,which is objective so if dunno tembak nie...=X aijior jior,two weeks of berperang'ing is so sakaited...felt like killing stressed up....especially for history....thank god its over....for now i mean....
time passes rather quickly i wud was like bfore exam tat i was saying exam is coming and now its over....then 2nd semester comes and goes....and there it is,the year end examination and bla bla bla...
k,now i shall recall back the last few days....
14th May. yes,it was MOTHER'S DAY...*me and bro bought mum a set of jewelleries*...we(the cousins) cooked for kewl eh? and mich went marketing in da morning rite after breakfast'ing....saw something really fella was selling frog....he literally chopped off the head of the frog and everything rite there on da spot....u cud just see the eyes of the frog hanging from the head....such a disgusting sight.....k,i knoe ill be doing this for one of my bio experiment....just don remind me bout it...prolly ill just absent myself on tat day...cant bare to see the frog being bisect....eww! after marketing we went over to mich's place to prepare the ingedients....andy and i fried the meat while edgar and neng stuffed in fish paste into the 'tao pok'....mich was busy doing her apple crumbles...and lovely edz was sleeping at home(i think)....we had noodles soup wif fried meat and vegetables on top of it....AND fried 'tao pok' as a side dish....the fried 'tao pok' was really laku,so was the fried meat...hehhe....after tat we had apple crumbles wif ice cream for was superb....left mich's place at bout 4 then went over to mama's for a lil while then went home...
20th May. cant really rmb wart i did tat day...guess i was either doing revision on add maths or reading history...heheh....had lunch at some place at bayu....da food there is pretty good i wud say...especially the DUCK...=P its so tender(minus the oil).....its sorta like economy rice kinda concept loh...just an ordinary small coffee shop,no air cond and kinda dirty....ahahha....BUT im there for food so cant complain much....since its delicious...even took a pict of it...wahahaha....
Sunday, May 07, 2006
6th May. had two breakfast tat morning....first,we(parents,me and bro) went to 'au kway' at bout 730...then,dad and bro shoot off to subang....bro to college and dad to work...bfore entering the car i noticed something...RAINBOW! was so beautiful...=X after breakfast'ing at au kway,me and mum went to chi liung to meet mua aunt for 2nd breakfast...there was this guy whom i saw over there,he's so adorable! LOL....
after breakfast'ing,mum drove me home to finish up mua homework while she went for another yam cha'ing session wif uncle...=X as i was doing mua hws,mum msged asking whether am i keen to go genting? and i was like "huh,i tot you said we are not going edi?"...tats cuz bfore tat she said she didnt wana go...and her reply was "your uncle is persuading us to go" mah okie loh,fine then....pada hal got so much of hw haven complete...=P so we headed to genting at bout 7 after fetching dad from office....was dead hungry during the journey up....almost puke...finally,sampai juga at highlands hotel at bout 8 plus...checked in and unloaded our luggage then headed for dinner at THE OLIVE....its sorta like a western kinda dinner thingy at genting hotel...i had lamb was pretty good...oh yeah,not to mention there were about 21 of us....
after dinner,mich,edgar,bro,dy and me went starbucks to yam cha(take away).....then,we jalan jalan was freezing cold....mich was dressed for beach so you can just imagine....ahahha!! we wanted to ber'karaoke but it was darn skipped....lepak till sien edi,balik tidur....=P
7th May. bangun pagi at 6...cudnt really sleep...mum was up too...mandi then walked around hunting for food...ended up at the terrace to yum cha while i did mua physics....sat there till bout 730 then met up wif aunt and headed for dim sum....after dim sum,we headed to coffee beans to yum cha again,and the kiddies had breakfast sets....and there i was doing mua physics AGAIN....after coffee beans,they headed to starbucks!! while me and bro went to the room...slept for a lil while then keluar to indoor theme park wif mich,edgar,dy,amah and wynn....amah belanja us makan at kfc...ahaha...then took wyn for those kiddo rides(horse,car and etc) 12.30 we berkumpul at lobby...then headed down to gotong jaya for lunch....went to grandma hse after tat(in klg) many pple at her place....shirley was there too(mua aunt who is the same age as me)....keng kai till she went home..then aku pun balik rumah to blog....

having dinner at bb ho,bkt tinggi(steamboat)...ate there last tues.....ahahha....
have a nice day pple....
Friday, May 05, 2006
fuh,it had been a hectic day....glider competition was today....unfortunately we didnt yeah....there was this form five girls model which was glided really far....kart plans to enter again next year but the expression on wc and xy's face were really funny....the expression of being worried i suppose....=P
exam is around the corner.....everyone is so "in the mood" of studying....including me....LOL...well,for real k...=X tons and tons of homework from school and also tuition....rushing to finish it....cuz if postpone then tambah lagi....sigh....est project haven even start doing 'thim'....due date is on da 16th of june....dunno whether enuff time also anot...will be doing articles on health(lungs to be specific)....=P
was at kd this morn wif mae,joanne,xy and veni...there was this indian girl which i think she dont even knoe wart is MANNERS....she practically pushed mua chair just cuz she cudnt pass....common,just admit tat youre FAT le....cant she just say simple words such as EXCUSE ME?? was so agitated....she didnt even bother to apologise and was cat walking to meet her wtf? arghh!!
time for more homeworks...=(
oh yeah....
~happie birthday STEVEN~
have a nice day pple...