so so so geram le. sharon n I so tak puas. the time to finish the run is 20 mins. but we exceeded by 7 mins. first time since form one, we so semangat ran for it to get top ten. so close... we were so exhausted. jean made it though, she got the tenth placing. congrats, jean!

everything ended at 12. balik mandi-ed, had lunch at rkc, then we (mae, jean, wen & I) went out to subang. my parents drove us there. at last bought all the 3 gifts edi. yipee! wen n I bought the gifts while jean & mae went else where. cuz we didnt wan jean to see wart we were getting for them. had tea at secret recipe then i took mum to somerset bay to get me a dress. hahah. so in love with it ler. wen & I tried it on earlier. I asked her to get it, but she was kinda reluctant. it was size 7 n she bull-shitted us by saying its too SMALL! she didnt wanna let us see. we kept asking her to wear it. n so she did! so gorgeous la! took some shots too, with mae's phone. hehhe. gotta ask her to send to me. then ill post it up. =)
have a nice day pple!