yes, i got tagged! 6 weird things about myself. hmm, what will it be la? i betul betul tak tau wey. neway, here it is...
1. I can never sleep well without having a stuffed toy beside me. yee wen & I were kao peh'ing cuz nothing to hug when we were at cameron's. i really missed my stuffed toy at tat particular moment. =)
2. I don really fancy pork! is tat weird? hmm.. wartever la
3. very pentingkan cleanliness. as in really extreme type. to the extend of wiping the seats at coffee shops till its really clean. in school, first thing ill do everyday is wipe my table n chair! heheh.
4. bed time is at 8.30. tats rather sot n not weird! hahah. but its a habit ler. by 8.30 my eyes will be like so heavy unless a dinner is on or something fascinating is going on. my eyes are currently really heavy! hahah!
5. i can't write when someone is watching
6. i love eating chocolates but only white chocs
youre tagged, ben!!
on monday, inter - school drama competition will be held at my school. we're the host! hopefully my class get to masuk dewan to cheer la! heheh. next saturday pulak, we (photography club) are having a activity to zoo negara. a photography competition will be held too, for the juniors.
have a nice day pple!