check out the newspapers (the sun, the star, sin chew). my brother participated in a program or rather a "model search"(lol) where 10 contestants are chosen and will get votes from public. out of the 10 contestants, only 1 male and 1 female will be chosen as the model for the upcoming(next year) halls advertisement. so yeah, here I am, asking you guys to vote for my brother. =P his code is M2. check out this website : http://www.hallsoffame.com.my/. you guys can vote via sms, email or website. BUT, there is a sales gimmick here. in order to vote, you will need to buy a stick of halls sweet(any flavour) and there will be a code printed on the wrapper. all you need to do then is just click on the website, type your details(name, ic, etc) n vote for a male n a female. thank you!
the code is printed beside the bar code belowthe best before date
our editorial board members are creating a page of 'class 2oo7' this year specially for the form 5s' and the upper 6s'. so we had self picture sessions yesterday and today. it was fun. =) took one shot where my classmates and I stood in the form of 5S. tat pict is not with me though. plus it didnt really turned out well. so i guess we'll not be placing it in the mag. these are a few shots:
5 SUCCESS 07(siao president,jay and the brainy vice president, hui siang)
that's paulina behind me
i like this shot.thibs and shubhadi.
took this when they were taking a picture
of us {ash, joshin, paulina and I}
jay & shubhadi(my buddy, who sits beside me in class)
have a nice day pple!