arghh feel like hanging myself. two more weeks to go. oh yeah, ive chopped off my pony tail last sunday. its short now. hehhe. will be back after my exams.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
today is the worse day ever(in high school). xin yee, wai teng, kart and i "stupidly" volunteered to give a moral talk on one of the fridays' in june. after 3 months,today was the day! it was so shietty! we chose sex education as the topic. its a huge mistake to even choose this topic. students were like half dead while listening to us talked! so embarrasing. and to make things worse i was shiverring like a mad dog. it was so obvious cuz my frens came up to me saying tat i was shaking terribly. dahlah i got stage fright. bro and edz said tat i don have their blood cuz their so into popularity. LOL. enuff said.
my freaking finals is next week! 2 and a half weeks. ends on my daddy's birthday. how sweet. we're so gonna celebrate on tat day. going kl. heheh. cant wait! arghh!
have a nice day pple!
Saturday, September 16, 2006
just got back from lizzie's party. its really happening. her parents are really nice. and her sisters are so gorgeous. so is she la of course. they had a dance floor at the hall. so we started dancing at bout ten. i don really fancy dancing plus it was really 'luan'. so just simply shake my ass la. ahaha. divya, rowena, sal and lizzie were enjoying themselves. and there were two couples there enjoying themselves too. aww,so sweet. heheh. i was with mae and thinasyah the whole time. and i think a few of the guys thinks tat we're lesbos! ahaha. they kept staring at me and mae. and i cud see them whispering while looking. me and mae were enjoying in some way. ahahah. with thinasyah(how to spell?).

have a nice day pple!

yesterday mich left for aussie in the morning. i skipped school to send her off. we had breakfast at eden then sent her off for departure. she's gonna be there for bout two years,for her pr thingy. amah cried. so sad ler! i controled kao kao. ahaha.
after tat : me, mum, bro, uncle & auntie plus ker wynn and edz went to oneU. they had lunch appointment there. so we tagged along. they had lunch at shogun while we had ours at bakerzin! mum had their salad and bro had some chicken thingy which was marvellous(according to mum n him). i only had a strawberry slice and a cup of lavender tea. wanted to try their apple baked but mum was supposed to share with me her salad so i didnt wanna over eat. so ordered strawberry slice instead. the handbag tat i so wanted from ripcurl is no longer there. so sam thong! went home at bout 3 30.

last sat : me and my family went to rahsia in kl for dinner. bro got to know this place from someone's blog. i had lamb shank which i didnt quite fancy. they had mustard on it. i hate it. the satay was really good though. apple crumble was more like biscuit. too dry and not enuff of apple.

have a nice day pple!
Friday, September 08, 2006

last sunday: me,ping,joyce and joanne went out for a movie. we wanted to watch little men but joyce was late so we ended up buying tickets for snakes on plane instead. when me,ping and jo were at the counter,we wanted to buy tickets for my super ex girlfriend. ping asked me to tell da fella but i chicken out! ahahha! according to jo when it was our turn,da counter fella whispered something to his fren like as if he knew we were about to get a 18sx ticket. LOL! neway,while ping and jo bought some beverages,me and joyce went to the ladies. ping and jo entered the teather first. when me and joyce entered,jo and ping were sitting together at the centre leaving the two side seats for me and joyce. so mengada! they purposely wanted to seperate me and joyce cuz we talked too much bout shopping! ish. so i sat with ping and joyce sat with jo.
i was freaking out when i saw the snakes! ahaha. asked ping man. some part of it was really funny. da movie was entertaining. i tot it would be those really lame kinda thingy but it turned out to be okie. it was pretty good in a way. i would think tat my daddy would love watching it. hehhe. after da movie we had lunch at bubble tea. service there is horibble. my parents were about to blow! ahaha. my mum's laksa took ages to come. and the waiter and waitresses there were all mandarin ed. i doubt they even know how to speak english cuz me and my parents kept speaking in english and they kept replying in mandarin! argh!! went over to mama's after tat.
ar chor's b'day: about a few weeks ago was my greatgrandma's birthday. we had lunch at kapar. dragon garden if im not mistaken. food there mah mah onie la. at first we were suppose to have a party at her place, but cuz of some conflict so tak jadi. greatgrandma chia us though. hehhe.

have a nice day pple!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
steve irwin
when i got the news bout his death,i was dumbfounded. its just too shocking. i love watching his programmes. they're entertaining. and his always so hyped up. of all things,why stingray? he has gone tru tons of cabaran with the snakes and crocs but he died cuz of a stingray! such a waste, and he's only 44.
rev. k sri dhamananda
his death wasn't as sudden as steve but its still sad knowing the fact tat he's not here with us anymore. my mom attended his talks a few times and said he was a very nice guy with great sense of humour. he died of stroke at sjmc.
confession: i have a crush on rev k sri dhamananda. (mich asked me to confess) LOL!
Friday, September 01, 2006

last friday i was out at subang parade with mum. did some shopping and facial. we wanted to have lunch at uncle lim's but the queue was just tremendously long. so we skipped and had lunch at manhattan's fish market instead. we only had soup of the day and fried button mushrooms. heheh. food there mah mah onie ler. nothing spectacular.

have a nice day pple!