last sunday: me,ping,joyce and joanne went out for a movie. we wanted to watch little men but joyce was late so we ended up buying tickets for snakes on plane instead. when me,ping and jo were at the counter,we wanted to buy tickets for my super ex girlfriend. ping asked me to tell da fella but i chicken out! ahahha! according to jo when it was our turn,da counter fella whispered something to his fren like as if he knew we were about to get a 18sx ticket. LOL! neway,while ping and jo bought some beverages,me and joyce went to the ladies. ping and jo entered the teather first. when me and joyce entered,jo and ping were sitting together at the centre leaving the two side seats for me and joyce. so mengada! they purposely wanted to seperate me and joyce cuz we talked too much bout shopping! ish. so i sat with ping and joyce sat with jo.
i was freaking out when i saw the snakes! ahaha. asked ping man. some part of it was really funny. da movie was entertaining. i tot it would be those really lame kinda thingy but it turned out to be okie. it was pretty good in a way. i would think tat my daddy would love watching it. hehhe. after da movie we had lunch at bubble tea. service there is horibble. my parents were about to blow! ahaha. my mum's laksa took ages to come. and the waiter and waitresses there were all mandarin ed. i doubt they even know how to speak english cuz me and my parents kept speaking in english and they kept replying in mandarin! argh!! went over to mama's after tat.
ar chor's b'day: about a few weeks ago was my greatgrandma's birthday. we had lunch at kapar. dragon garden if im not mistaken. food there mah mah onie la. at first we were suppose to have a party at her place, but cuz of some conflict so tak jadi. greatgrandma chia us though. hehhe.

have a nice day pple!
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