chai yin the cicak! heh. the background they cut n paste wan. kewl eh? i was there at bout 4. blowing balloons like siao po nie. hahah! it was more like a balloon partay. we tied balloons everywhere including the road sign to yee wen's house. it was nice though. =)
before the crowd came. when we were blowing balloons n decorating the house.
aww, look at fang yi!! aint he adorable? =) hahah! kesian him le, be our photographer tat nite. he was so sien.
jinn the celebrity! =)
left pict : jay & maeright pict : jinn, jay & wen
left pict : jay & fangyiright pict : ping & jay (finally a pict with her. n tats cuz she was mabuk'ing)
group pict
jay, wen & jinn at the hall before the cake ceremony.
the three gorgeous babes! yee wen, chai yin & jean
left pict : jay & yee wenright pict : jay & chai yin
(with ping's fingers as background)
chai yin & jean ber-model'ing
kym's "kok kok bekkk"
us, the ladies...
them, the guys...
more picts to be up. next post. =)
have a nice day pple!
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