its my third time at mid valley. ahahha. was there with sean,mae & her family. we left klg at bout 11 plus kua. sampai there jalan jalan then makan ice cream(baskin robbin). sean was supposed to pay but auntie insisted tat she pay. lucky sean. i bought another scarf from mng. its khaki green with the design of butterflies n leaves. i like it. =) we had lunch at bout 3 plus at sushi king. auntie bought me a bag from padini authentic. i wanted a skirt, but its RM99.90 n auntie insisted on paying so i took the bag instead. the skirt is lovely. pinkish reddish with a lil lace. auntie bought some stuff from miss selfridge n they had some competition thingy going on. so she asked me to join it. i was just suppose to strike a poss. so like some soh hai strike a poss loh. heheh. so darn funny ler. i was asking them wart poss you wan me to do? they said up to you. so mah okie loh just stood there n strike my usual smile with the phone on my hand. took three shots cuz auntie said not nice. the ladies there were giggling. ahahah. it was fun la though. there wud be three winners who will be receiving a samsung d900. so not me.

have a nice day pple!
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