im so f'ing annoyed with myself today! tcher showed us our bm paper today(only the rumusan part,though) and just imagine, how cud i not remember to write kesimpulan for my rumusan. argh! i only scored 25 upon 30 for tat f'ing rumusan. just because stupid me forgot to write the kesimpulan. god knoes wart was i even thinking tat time man. so frustrated.
and to make things worse, my auntie (the lady who drives me home) has not repaired her air-cond. it's been about a month edi! so benci dei! dahla haze and everything, have to suffer inhalling those terrible air pulak. how irresponsible pple can be. causing haze to us. and its just so shocking tat a form one girl from my skool died from haze. i think its cuz she was suffering from ashma. sigh! boo, to haze! fuh, enuff said.
have a nice day pple!
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