baking is really fun. try it n u'll knoe wart i mean. especially when it turn out good. heheh. u just feel so bangga n uuh, nice! =) self pleasure.
my daily tv routine since hols started : sharp at noon - jamie oliver, 12.30 - floyd , 1.00 - come dine with me and 1.30 - nigella. they're all about cooking. simple, easy and FAST! i fancy most is jamie oliver & nigella. nigella's recipes are good. ive tried one of her recipe. she used it for clams but i used it for fish instead. her refrigerator has like loads of things. once, she took out a frozen pig's ear. i was like, eww! ahaha.
i tried baking mango & apple crumbles yesterday. took me about an hour to prepare and another hour to baked it. a lil too much flour but still tasted alrite. the mangoes were a lil sour to eat it as it is for dessert. we didnt like it. so i thought i mite experiment on it. heheh. we had the crumbles with ice cream.

have anice day pple!
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